Everyone has at least a little bit of debt. Whether you own your own home, or have student loans, keeping on top of your debt is a part of everyday life. If you’re lucky enough to only have a little bit of debt, your main priority is to keep on top of your payments and make sure it doesn’t grow any larger. If you have a large amount of debt, you may have to put more consideration into paying off your debt while also juggling payments for debts you’re not currently paying.
See below some useful information and resources to help you get rid of your debt effectively and securely.
Our Collectors Pledge
I believe every person has worth as an individual.
I believe every person should be treated with dignity and respect.
I will make it my responsibility to help consumers find ways to pay their debts.
I will be professional and ethical.
I will commit to honoring this pledge.
Useful Links
Are a Victim of Fraud?
- If you feel you have been a victim of identity theft, please follow this link and begin your recovery plan. Once you have completed the report, please forward us a copy of the report to accounts@midwestfidelity.com. This will ensure we handle your account appropriately. Submit a fraud affidavit at www.identitytheft.gov
Annual Credit Report
- It is important to know what is affecting your credit. The law provides that the credit reporting bureaus provide 1 free credit report yearly. Use the link to request your free report today: Annual Credit Report
Ask Doctor Debt
- Financial literacy is a must to not only get but also to keep your families’ finances on track. The more you understand about how issuing credit works and the recovery process, the better equipped you are to make educated decisions about your finances. Ask Doctor Debt is 100% free and comprehensive resource from professionals that are on the front lines of various finance organizations across the country. Click to visit Ask Doctor Debt
- Debt.org is an additional resource to use to continue to grow and gain knowledge.